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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Looking for Online Auto Insurance Quotes in Florida?.(property insurance)

property insurance

The average auto insurance premium nationwide is about $920 and yet, residents of Florida paid as much as $1,100 in 2003 alone. Insurance rates do change and if you don't arm yourself with the right kind of information, you could be paying for more.

If you want to get auto insurance in Florida, you can use online tools to get quotes and find the best, most affordable policy available. But first, you might want to learn more about the minimum requirements imposed in the state of Florida before you buy one. The two main laws you need to know about are: the No-Fault Law and the Financial Responsibility Law.

Florida's No-Fault Law requires that you should acquire insurance coverage for your vehicle that stays within the state for at least 90 out of the 365 days of the year. The No-Fault Law provides coverage for you and your vehicle, just in case you sustain any injuries in case of an accident. You'll need a minimum coverage of $10,000 for personal injury protection and another $10,000 for property damage.

Florida's Financial Responsibility Law provides coverage for damages sustained to another vehicle or person/s in case of an accident where you are at fault. You'll have to prove that you have enough insurance coverage in order to pay for vehicle damage or passenger injuries. The minimum coverage: $10,000 for bodily injury for one person, $10,000 for property damage and $20,000 bodily injury liability for two or more persons.

It's important that you get enough insurance coverage if you're living or using a vehicle in Florida 90 days out of a year. You stand to lose your driver's license and registration if you don't. You might have to avoid touching a motor vehicle for up to three years if you get suspended.

In case you don't have coverage and you do get suspended, you can still get an auto insurance policy before the date of suspension. The insurance company can certify your insurance proof through an SR-22 form. If you try to get auto insurance coverage after the date of suspension, you'll be slapped with a $150 fee for reinstatement. Another thing to remember, you'll have to get insurance proof from a company licensed to operate in Florida if you want to get a license plate or to register your vehicle.

Once you know what's required to get auto insurance in Florida, you can now shop for the best policy that will be a perfect fit for your particular needs. Try going online to find auto insurance quotes. Many insurance companies offer their product quotes for free - a good thing to have if you're looking to do comparative shopping. Here are a few sites to check:

By simply answering two questions on this site, you'll get a free auto insurance quote in seconds. Just indicate whether or not you have a current auto insurance policy and provide your zip code. A great thing about this site is that it offers a lot of information regarding insurance, especially those tailored for residents of Florida. Other than your free online auto insurance quote, you'll want to stick around and read some helpful tips on choosing auto insurance and auto insurance pricing report. Learn more about auto insurance to avoid paying for more than you need.

This site is quite an obvious source for online auto insurance quotes. You can log on to and click on the link to Florida state to get access to insurance quotes. The site provides free quotes from four companies: Progressive Direct, Esurance, Comparison Market and Net Quote. All you need to do is enter your zip code and you'll receive a free quote from each. Whether it's your first car or your fifth Mercedes, this site is a great help if you're looking to compare quotes and save on insurance. Save money without sacrificing your auto insurance coverage.

Low cost auto insurance in Florida is a priority in this website. This is a one-stop place for getting a quote, buying an auto insurance policy and finding all the information you need to help you shop as an informed consumer. Simply provide your zip code and you'll find the most affordable auto insurance policy quotes.

Like most sites providing online quotes for auto insurance in Florida, this site allows you to find the best insurance policy by simply entering your zip code. There are also great tips for car owners regarding auto insurance and related information such as, info on liabilities like property damage and bodily injury, collision coverage, towing coverage, personal injury coverage and many more. Everything you've always wanted to know about getting auto insurance is in this site.

-property insurance-

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